Village Clubs & Societies

Children's Organisations
Beavers, Cubs and Scouts
1st Datchet Sea Scouts 

2nd Datchet Brownies

For girls aged 7 to 11 years old

Contact: Kylie Paxton

Adult Organisations

Royal British Legion - Datchet Branch

Meets at 11:00 on the first Sunday of every month at The Royal Stag Public House, The Green, Datchet

You can now join online or call 0800 802 8080

Chairman - David Cannon
Email -

Datchet Village Society

Datchet Women's Institute

Meeting Times: 3rd Wednesday of each month at 2.00pm (Except August)

Location: W.I. Hall, The Green, Datchet.
Presidents: Beverley Edwards - 01753 971938
Kate Rayner - 07729 732710

Other Local Groups and Societies

Datchet Players

Amateur theatre group founded over 60 years ago Rehearsals take place on Mondays and Thursdays Two major performances per year

Location: Datchet Village Hall, Allen Way, Datchet, SL3 9HR

Contact: Margaret Bacon

01753 861074


  Rotary Club of Windsor St.George

Meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 7.15pm at

The Castle Hotel




Datchet Folk Dance Club

For Modern and Traditional English Social Dance

Meets every Friday in the WI Hall, SL3 9EL  (except August and some bank holidays around Easter & Christmas)

 The 1st & 3rd Fridays in the month are 8-10pm
All other Fridays are 2-4pm 

Partners are handy but not essential, Beginners would find themselves made very welcome. Break during sessions for refreshments and chat. 

 Contact John on 01344 66391 or





Datchet Border Morris


Datchet’s very own Morris Dance Side since 1961!

We are a male dance side with mixed band!

All men are welcome to join us and try out this amazing tradition.

Full training given – it’s a fun, energetic and builds confidence!!

We practise in WI Hall, SL3 9EH on Mondays 8-9.30pm and dance out at various times.

(Do check before turning up!)

After practice at The Royal Stag!

Contact us via FB Datchet Morris, Instagram #datchetmorris

Or email


Monthly ‘slow and steady’ folk music sessions since 2012

At WI Hall SL3 9EH

On (normally) second Sunday of the month 5-6.30pm

£3.50 per participant – programmes and tune sheets issued in advance.

Gain confidence in playing with others and build up a folk tune repertoire!!

All welcome - Under-age musicians must be accompanied by an adult.

For more info and up-to-date programme please contact:

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