Datchet Border Morris
Datchet’s very own Morris Dance Side since 1961!
We are a male dance side with mixed band!
All men are welcome to join us and try out this amazing tradition.
Full training given – it’s a fun, energetic and builds confidence!!
We practise in WI Hall, SL3 9EH on Mondays 8-9.30pm and dance out at various times.
(Do check before turning up!)
After practice at The Royal Stag!
Contact us via FB Datchet Morris, Instagram #datchetmorris
Or email enquiries@datchetmorris.org.uk
Monthly ‘slow and steady’ folk music sessions since 2012
At WI Hall SL3 9EH
On (normally) second Sunday of the month 5-6.30pm
£3.50 per participant – programmes and tune sheets issued in advance.
Gain confidence in playing with others and build up a folk tune repertoire!!
All welcome - Under-age musicians must be accompanied by an adult.
For more info and up-to-date programme please contact: waltersue134@btinternet.com