Datchet PArish Council Logo


Events updated 29/05/2024




WAD are looking for volunteers!!! 

Hello Volunteers

A call for your assistance please!

We have a number of Wild About Datchet community projects in the pipeline, but I am finding it difficult to make them happen on my own. I’m therefore requesting your support and active assistance to push them forward into the public eye.

Current and future Wild About Datchet projects include:

* Assisting the Datchet Parish Council with planting and maintaining the Datchet Community Orchard

* St Mary’s Church grounds care and maintenance

* Adopting local verges to begin a rewilding programme

* Regular village litter-picks

A great deal of preliminary work has already been done on these projects, (and I have established some good contacts in the Borough, DPC, local social groups and other ‘Wilds’ groups), but I need your help to get them across the line.

I’d like to establish a permanent WAD Events & Activities Team who can work with our existing Committee Team to share the tasks needed to instigate, plan, promote, and oversee specific projects and events.

If you (or someone you could recommend), has good communication skills, and is willing to help to plan, promote and help coordinate all aspects of WAD projects, (or if you just want to find out more before you commit) then please make contact. I would be very happy to meet you personally to discuss how to take Wild About Datchet’s important environmental messages forward.

Village events are a great way to help bring a community together so I very much look forward to hearing any questions or interest.

Kindest regards


If you are interested please contact Allen on  wildaboutdatchet@gmail.com



New Community Orchard


In March of this year the Datchet Parish Council were successful in bidding for RBWM funds to create a small wild meadow and community fruit tree orchard on the Sabatini land (the triangle of mowed grass between Horton Road and the recreation ground ditch near the Village hall).

This application was made with Wild About Datchet and is part of the Parish Councils commitment to plant trees and create more biodiverse spaces for the community. This exciting project will create a beautiful long lasting community space for all to enjoy and improve the wildlife habitat in the area.

The eagle-eyed amongst you will have noticed that there is now a patterned area of unmowed grass on this land. This is deliberate and marks the boundary of the orchard and managed wild meadow and is very much phase 1 of the project. (See pic)

Phase 2 will be the planting of the initial larger trees and wildflower plugs in the late autumn of 2024 and then the final tree/shrub planting in spring 2025. The planning and planting has been done with an independent expert and following the guidelines stipulated by the RBWM.

We will post regular updates on the progress of the Orchard and if you would like to volunteer and get involved in the next stages of planting and the long-term maintenance of this project then please contact the Parish Council Office.

Events in the Village

Datchet in pictures