Councillors Code of Conduct

This outlines the conduct expected of members and co-opted members of the council when acting in that capacity.

Please see below for decisions made by the Borough's Monitoring Officer following the investigation of  complaints made about the conduct of Datchet Parish Councillors.

Where there is a breach the decision notice will remain on the website for a period of 24 months.
Decision notices where no breach was found will be removed 90 days after the date of publication. 

There are currently NO Code of Conduct cases. 


You can email the Chairman of the Council by using

For all other councillors please send an email to the Parish Office and these will be forwarded.

Your Councillors

Cllr. Mr Ian Bacon J.P.

Cllr. Mr Ian Bacon J.P.

Deputy member for Properties, Member of Finance Committee

Fairacres St. Leonards Hill

Phone: 01753 861074

Register of interests

I have lived in Windsor for over 50 years and worked as a Chartered Engineer in
the oil industry for 30 years travelling and working wide world.

I took early retirement at 57 and retrained as a Magistrate and became a Chairman of the bench.

I have been closely involved in Datchet for the past 35 years initially through the Datchet Players, then I was almost immediately appointed to the Village Hall Management Committee.

More recently 20 years ago I became the Clerk to the Barker Bridge House Trust, a major Charity in Datchet and local benefactor.

For many years I attended as a member of the public the DPC council meetings and then in 2019 I successfully put my name forward at the elections and was duly appointed to the Datchet Parish Council.

My interests are in the areas of finance and the ongoing success of the Village Hall as a community asset, in addition to supporting other Datchet Societies such as the Datchet Village Society and Wild About Datchet.

Cllr. Mr David Buckley

Cllr. Mr David Buckley

Chairman, Lead Member of Planning, Finance Committee Vicechair, Staffing Committee Chairman

Please use the Parish Office postal address

Phone: 07791088911

Register of interests


My wife and I moved to Datchet in 2013 and our 4 children spend many days visiting us in this lovely village, which we have made our full time home. We run our businesses from Datchet and enjoy, the village atmosphere every day. I joined The Datchet Parrish Council to work hard to improve the village, join other volunteers on the Parrish Council to maintain, continually improve the village for all the residents and businesses that benefit from this community. My family and I are keen to see the highest standard of living for all residents maintained and improved for everyone in the village of Datchet. As everyone knows this is a continuous project and I will hope to add value to all that visit, live or work within our community.


Cllr. Mr Andrew Clemens

Lead Member for Events, Member of Staffing Committee, Member of Finance Committee

Please use the Parish Office postal address

Phone: 07939147538

Register of interests

Andrew has been a resident of Datchet for nearly 40 years and is involved with many local organisations including Datchet Football Club, the Datchet Royal British Legion Branch as well as running, along-side others, the villages Facebook group Datchet Eye. He is always keen to help/be of assistance to his fellow residents and is more than happy to engage about any issues or concerns over a beer in the Royal Stag Pub. Away from Council and Village life, Andrew runs a variety of Twitter, Instagram and Tiktok accounts on behalf of others and is involved in the Entertainments and Promotions business.

Cllr. Mrs Monica Davies

Cllr. Mrs Monica Davies

80 Montrose Avenue

Phone: 01753 582709, Mobile: 07704 209224

Register of interests

My interest are gardening, Skills are legal, charity work and finance. A long life community worker and charity worker. 

Cllr. Mrs Linda O

Cllr. Mrs Linda O'Flynn

Holly Lodge 57 London Road

Phone: 01753 545640, Mobile: 07740 844881

Register of interests

I have been a member of the Council for 11 years, and still feel there is plenty of work to be done at this level of government, since we live among the people we represent. I am especially concerned to make sure that we hear and represent the voices of people living at the fringes of the village, such as the far ends of Slough Road, London Road and Horton Road and all the small estates in between, whose voices are not heard as much as we would like. I think that this will bring the village together and so make for a stronger community.

Cllr. Mr Tim O

Cllr. Mr Tim O'Flynn

Holly Lodge 57 London Road

Phone: 01753 545640 Mobile: 07918 102036

Register of interests

I have served continuously on Datchet Parish Council since I joined in 1988.I have served in several positions since that time. I hope to use my experience to help parishioners to enjoy living in Datchet and contributing to improving the village for everyone.

Cllr. Mr Ewan Larcombe

Cllr. Mr Ewan Larcombe

Vice Chair

67 Lawn Close

Phone: 01753 544302

Register of interests

Born in 1950 I lived in Wraysbury (as did my parents and grandparents before me) until 1970. As the eldest of seven children I am pleased to say that many of my relatives still live there. After short periods of living in Slough and Langley I moved with my family to Datchet in 1977. I have three children and eight grandchildren and four great grandchildren.

As a qualified engineer I worked at Ford Motor Co., EMI at Hayes and Graviners at Colnbrook prior to working in Wraysbury since 1994. First elected to Datchet Parish Council in July 1986 I was Chairman 1992/5. I was actively involved in the village centre refurbishment in 1990 which resulted in a ‘Best Kept Village’ award and I represented the village at the six week Maidenhead Windsor and Eton flood alleviation scheme Public Inquiry at Reading in 1992.

I stood for re-election to Datchet Parish Council in the hope that a new Council would do better in representing the electorate. In particular I am concerned about development on Green Belt and about the protection and maintenance of Village assets. I believe that all village land should be publicly accessible, that the village greens should be watered when necessary and that parishioner should be aware of the impact of existing flood alleviation proposals.

I have detailed knowledge of Jubilee River design, structural and operational shortcomings and I intend to submit evidence at the forthcoming River Thames Scheme (Datchet to Teddington) Inquiry due in about three years time. If constructed the RTS will be the largest, most complex and most expensive fluvial flood alleviation scheme ever constructed in this country and I will do my utmost to ensure that the Environment Agency does not repeat the mistakes of the past.

Cllr. Mr Denny Loveridge

Please use the Parish Office postal address

Phone: 07810193277

Register of interests

Cllr. Mr Ian Thompson

Cllr. Mr Ian Thompson

Lead Member for Grounds and Flooding & Drainage,

2 Eton Close

Phone 01753 548232

Register of interests

I have lived in Datchet for 47 years, joined the Parish Council to provide engineering involvement to mitigate flood risks to my house and the community. I am a retired mechanical engineer in design, manufacturing, construction, project management and consultancy in the above occupations. My interests are running and restoring classic/vintage cars and motorcycles. Also painting within the Datchet Art group. Additionally sailing and maintaining a Bermuda Sloop moored in Falmouth, Cornwall. My vision is to maintain the high standard of the village appearance to the riverside garden, central greens, recreation ground and cemetery. Also maintain the conservation area and Datchet historical appearance.

Cllr Mrs Susan Young

Cllr Mrs Susan Young

Deputy member of Flooding & Drainage, Finance Committee Chair

4a Priory Way

Phone: 07968741987

Register of interests

I have lived in Datchet since 2014. I had an inauspicious start to village life when my new home was flooded just after I exchanged contracts. I was encouraged by the wonderful community spirit prevailing at the time and subsequently. I love living here and I am keen to “give back” to this great community. As a previous flood victim, and as an Insurance and Risk professional, I am particularly interested in flood risk management, both at the community and property resilience level and would like to support those in the community experiencing difficulty. I am also an accountant by trade so appreciate the importance of value for money in providing local services. I am a keen water skier and wakeboarder so you will often see me at liquid leisure. I love visiting national trust properties and going to live music events.

Cllr Mr Darren Sanders

Cllr Mr Darren Sanders

Lead member for Properties, Deputy member for Planning

Please use the Parish Office postal address

Mobile: 07876 564 361

Register of interests

My wife and I have lived on the Green in Datchet since 2013. I joined the Parish Council as I wanted to have more input into how the village could deliver more for the residents and help address the concerns they have. I would like to focus on Highways and Roads to try to find a solution to issues that the level crossing brings to the village, pollution and the damage to our aging infrastructure by too many, larger than needed, commercial vehicles and coaches that regularly come through the village centre. I would also like to ensure the green is conserved as it should be from a conservation point of view. Ensuring it is at it should be for future generations.

Cllr Steevan Glover

Cllr Steevan Glover

Deputy member for Events, Deputy member for Grounds, Member of Staffing Committee

Flat 2 Cornerways
33 Lawn Close

Mobile: 07900 218624

Register of interests

I have lived in Datchet for over 20 years and raised my son here. Maintaining and protecting the heritage of the village is very important to me. As the village
evolves it is important to me that it maintains it’s character and that all
changes are done responsibly and with the best long term interests of the
village at it’s heart. I am also keen to make the residents aware of the Parish
Council and the work it does and to encourage others to get involved with local events, societies and clubs. Some people may recognise me from the work I have done with Datchet and Wraysbury Players as well as the St. Mary’s Church pantomime.

Cllr Caroline Wise

Cllr Caroline Wise

Lead Member of Cemetery, Vicechair of Staffing Committee

Penn Road Datchet
Please use the Parish Office postal address

Register of interests

I’ve lived in Datchet since 1991 as it was a perfect location to settle when working at Heathrow. In 2022 I set up a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme in Penn Road as I was concerned about Anti Social Behaviour, rising crime, fly tipping and parking congestion in our area.  The group has proved successful in bringing together residents to tackle problem issues in our road and we now have a large Whatsapp group where we can support each other and respond quickly to concerns.

Having set up the Neighbourhood Watch I started attending the monthly Parish Council meetings as well as the quarterly Neighbourhood Action Group meetings for Datchet Horton and Wraysbury gradually coming to understand issues in the village, especially the lack of resources afforded our community not only by the Borough but by the police as well. Flooding is also a concern given Datchet Common Brook runs through Penn Road and we flooded back in 2014.

Parish Councillors are all volunteers and give up their time to serve the village, something I feel the public forgets when they are critical of the council in meetings and on social media. Having been a trade union official for over 30 years, I’ve always been a voice both to challenge and seek change, so it was only a question of time before deciding to offer up some of my spare time to support the council and community. I was co-opted in January 2024.

Long term I would like to see Datchet freed of much of the traffic currently using our roads as cut throughs, reclaim our pavements for pedestrians and work towards restoring Datchet as a charming, pleasant, clean and safe village for residents.

Cllr Chris Jones

Lead Member of Highways

Please use the Parish Office postal address

Mobile: 07552 566713

Register of interests

I have lived in the village for 15 years, having grown up in nearby Windsor.

Since having our three boys we have not only become more involved and appreciate more of the surrounding we live in but also become more aware that it is not the village it necessarily was.

This has led me to want to get more involved in village life and to make sure Datchet remains the clean, safe and beautiful village it is.

Cllr Alison Whelan

Cllr Alison Whelan

Deputy Member of Highways

Please use the Parish Office postal address

07551 733360

Register of interests

I spent my early years in Langley & surrounding areas, before heading off to build a career in London and rest of the world. I came home after the first Covid lockdown to be closer to family and decided to stay. I live in the village and champion our wonderful local businesses everyday. I am committed to protecting our local traditions and making Datchet an environmental gem in the Berkshire crown. Its really important to keep our green spaces clean, safe & free from harm. I'm really excited to be on the Parish Council & hope to be part of a team that make Datchet a vibrant & accessible place to live & visit.