Yellow Heat Health Alert for the South East

Published: 20 June 2024

Yellow alerts are issued when the level of heat is likely to impact those particularly vulnerable (such as the elderly with multiple health conditions and on multiple medications), who’re likely to struggle to cope.

This means, therefore, that minor impacts are probable across the health and social care sector, including:

· Increased use of healthcare services by the vulnerable population

· Increased risk of mortality among vulnerable individuals

· Increased potential for indoor environments to become very warm

Below are some key resources you may find useful:  

General Guidance 

· Beat the heat: staying safe in hot weather - GOV.UK (

· Hot weather and health: supporting vulnerable people - GOV.UK (

Specific guidance for your setting or sector  

· Heat-Health Alert action card for commissioners

· Heat-Health Alert summary action card for health and social care providers

· Heat-Health Alert summary action card for the voluntary and community sector