Attention Nottingham Residents: Beware of Nottingham Knockers We would like to warn all residents about individuals known as “Nottingham Knockers” who have been operating in our area. These individuals typically go door-to-door, offering goods for sale or asking for donations. In many cases, they may pressure or intimidate residents into making purchases or handing over money. They may also say that they have been recently released from prison. Please be aware of the following: · High-pressure tactics: They may use aggressive sales methods or claim to be fundraising for charity, but their activities are often unregulated or deceptive. · Suspicious behaviour: If you feel uncomfortable or unsure about someone at your door, do not hesitate to ask for identification and inquire about the legitimacy of their visit. · Unwanted visits: Many Nottingham Knockers do not have the proper permits or authorization to sell door-to-door in the area. If you are approached: · Politely refuse to engage and do not feel pressured to buy anything or offer money. · Report any suspicious individuals to Thames Valley Police on 101 or via an online report on our website to help prevent further incidents. Your safety and security are our top priority, and we encourage all residents to stay vigilant. |